
Title - Gradients
Author - Swatii Chandak
Genre - Poems
Publisher - Half Baked Beans

This is the second poem collection I have read in the recent time and reviewing about it. The first one was by Richa Saxena of "The Soul Charmer". This book is equally an interesting read.

Swatii Chandak has brought in a new dimension to the poems through this book. The book is divided into 4 parts

1. Inhale
2. All in Between
3. Exhale and
4. Poetic Saga

Each part has a collection of 13 poems each with the final one - Poetic Saga has 1 which is the collection of all in one.

The book starts with a bang with the poem Intensity. What I liked in particular about the book is the usage of illustration in appropriate places which makes it even more interesting.Accolades is one such poem where you would find the picture of a trophy with tears in its eyes. Even though the structure differs from one poem to the other,it does not fail to appeal or connect with the readers.

I should not call Swatii an author here since these are poems and would refer her as Poet henceforth(at least for the review of this book is concerned). The poet has played with words without making it complicated and at the same time maintaining the rhythm and the flow.

As I had mentioned earlier, each and every poem is unique. The word that was being used in one poem becomes the topic of the next poem and goes on til the end.

Above all, Poetic Saga is even more special. I would not reveal what makes it special since you need to buy the book, if you are the one who appreciate genuine talent or you are a poem lover.

The book is available on Amazon.
