Time to be healthy and safe

We have always had a healthy life right from the day the civilization had begun. We learnt lot of ways and means to remain healthy. This is done with the help of food and medicine. These days we see organic food being promoted big time due to various reasons like Health and Safety.

Health and Fitness are always important since health forms the basis for wealth. Practicing Yoga and doing Exercise on a daily basis for few minutes will surely play a major role since health and fitness are both related to each other and one cannot be compromised on the other. Talking about the above, I did manage to see this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTVXec_zx0g&feature=youtu.be and realized that not all of us were in a condition like this and even if we did, it is all about mere commitment striving towards better health which will make the difference.

Lifestyle is always evolving. We are now living in the faster pace. There is hardly anytime left for us to spend at home and because of this we are forced to compromise on lot of things which would have otherwise been having a major role in our life. To be honest, even though there are hundreds of fitness centers, most of the time, they are empty or have only few occupants. This is an alarming one and needs to be addressed.

The speedy lifestyle makes us skip our breakfast in the morning which is the most vital one in our day to day life. I have seen many of my friends skipping breakfast which should not be done at any cost. We compromise on our health to create wealth but little do we realize that by the time, wealth is created, we lose on our health and eventually end up with not enjoying them. This is where comes the diet and nutrition. Eating less or eating over the limit - both are not good for health. There should be a proper diet structure and it should be followed strictly. We need to ensure that we eat lot of greens and vegetables on a daily basis and some other supplement, where required. When we have a proper diet, the nutrition intake in our body is matched with the requirement that would lead to better health.

One should not give and excuse of skipping breakfast or lunch or dinner citing work load. In fact these days, we see the employers themselves are assisting their employees in leading a proper and balanced life. I know it is not going to be easy especially for those who will be starting this for the first time but it is certainly not difficult.

Lets #DoTheDifficult 
