Good Times Bad Times

Title - Good Times Bad Times
Author - Chetan Dalvi
Genre - Fiction
Publisher - Half Baked Beans
ISBN - 9789384315528

A beautiful fiction story which has an universal concept that is applicable to people from all walks of life and religion.

I loved the way author has taken the story and ended it with an unexpected twist.

Jonathan was living a contended life in Mumbai when all of a sudden his father passes away leaving him with just one message - "Inform my death to Simran".

Jonathan had no clue as to who this person was. He decides to find out about Simran and sets on a journey to Goa. He meets lot of interesting characters on his so called life called journey. 

Did he manage to find who this person Simran was?

The book might sound philosophical but trust me, it is certainly worth the read and the way the characters unbound makes it a compelling read.

Do not wait any further. Buy the book from Amazon now.
