Title - Algorithm Of The Future
Author - Sandeep Sharma
Genre - Fiction Thriller
Publisher - Authors Paradise Publishers(2017)
ISBN - 8944571547484
Those who missed reading this exceptionally fast thriller fiction back in 2013 when it was first published, can rejoice since the second imprint is published now with an attractive cover that very much complements this story.
The story revolves around a mathematician named Rakesh Sharma who devices an algorithm to predict the future. Even before he could shot to fame, he gets a threat from Akash Singh Rathore, a famed but a banished Magician. He could not believe any one since he gets deceived by few and gets help from Rahul but it did not last long.
Akash takes Rakesh's family into his custody and wanted to something unimaginable. Did Rakesh with the help of algorithm managed to stop the calamity? What did Akash wanted in the first place?
The story even though runs about 174 pages would make you feel really on the tip of your chair with its fast paced events and incidents and when some of he secrets gets revealed in the end, you will be shocked for sure. A perfect story to spend your otherwise boring weekend. I would recommend a cup of coffee/chai with some chats to enjoy this story.
The book is available on Amazon.