Title - The Elephant In The Womb
Author - Kalki Koechlin
Illustrator - Valeria Polyanychko
Genre - Family & Relationships
Publisher - Penguin Randomhouse India
ISBN - 978-0143454052
Firstly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to @kalkikanmani for sending me this autographed book.
To start with, I must admit that if I had received this book before the Covid times, it may not have made any sense to me but now it did.
How & Why?
Me & my better half were without a child for almost 11 years but by the Grace of Lord Almighty, she conceived naturally and it happened during Covid times.
As I was freelancing then and the entire nation was in lockdown for almost a year, I had the privilege of staying in my in-law's house with my better half until she delivered. So, I can easily relate to the contents that were mentioned in this book.
Firstly, this book is not only for women but also for men who are wannabe dad/father.
Secondly, this book is NOT FOR KIDS
Kalki has documented her pregnancy journey in a detailed way. At places, it may look RAW but that was the actual essence. As they say, a woman takes a second birth or re-birth post pregnancy. This isn’t just a statement but the truth. If you had been with your wife during her pregnancy journey, you would certainly vouch for it.
This book would rekindle the memories for anyone, especially for new mothers and expecting mothers as it mostly resonates with their feelings.
I feel really glad to have got an opportunity to read this book since this would go a long way in establishing itself as a “Tribute” to every mother who has struggled so hard braving emotional imbalance apart from feeling nauseated and whatnot.
The journey to motherhood would be a remembrance of life for every mother.
The pictorial representation makes the book even more interesting to read and there is some space left for the readers to make a note too.
All I can say is, Well done, Kalki 💐👏
This book is available on Amazon