Author Interview - Greg Rajaram of "The Greatest Game"

1.What motivates you to write?

I have been very passionate about reading since childhood. I have always surrounded myself with books and this ultimately motivated me to become an author. 

2. How did you feel after publishing your books?

The feeling was ecstatic as this was my first book and I worked hard for it.

3. Is there a specific reason for naming your novel?

The game of 'Love' is the greatest game that a living being can play and hence the name. 

4. Where do you write from? Do you go to some specific place, like beachside or the hills? 

I generally write within my study surrounded by books. Occasionally I would write in coffee shops for a change in environment. 

5. What inspired you to write the books(in general)? Any tales to tell…

I have worked in the field of artificial intelligence as an engineer and wanted to conceptualize what it would take to evoke artificial consciousness in a machine. 

6. What was your biggest learning experience throughout the writing process?

To know the exact reason why you are writing the book and let it be your motivation and guidance while writing. 

7. Looking back, what did you do right that helped you break in as a writer?

Writing a novel is a marathon and I did well to not lose motivation through the writing process. 

8. Any best piece of writing advice that you would like to share with new or struggling writers? 

Write from the heart and edit with the brain. 

9. Something personal about you people may be surprised to know?

I'm passionate about cricket and love playing the sport.

10.What other profession excites you the most?

Being an engineer, the field of technology and the impact it has on our lives excites me. 

11.Any special mention about your reader (be it with reviews/feedback or anything else)

The book discusses a lot of concepts from science, art, religion etc. I request the reader to read the book with an open mind. I would also very much appreciate it if readers left reviews for my book. They may reach out to me on my website as well (https://www.gregrajaram.com/)

12.Do you write the story at a stretch or you take your time to complete it? If you take a longer time, wouldn’t you be forgetting the story? How do you tackle it?

I took my time in writing the book. I revisited the book multiple times and did many edits to ensure there are no holes in the plot. 
